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Old 05-14-2011, 06:31 AM   #24

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I doubt this can considered as madhabs as we undertood the madhab which we have now. like having different usool and so on.
Just having some bunch of opinion, doesnt turn that whole as madhab.
al-Salamu Aleykum,

This is the opinion of the scholar 'Abdul-Wahhab ibn Ahmad al-Sha'arani "عبد الوهاب بن أحمد الشعراني" (who died in 973 A.H) in his book "al-Meezan al-Sha'araniyah al-Mudkhilah li-Jami'i Aqwal al-Aimmah al-Moujtahidin wa Muqallideehim fi al-Sharia'ah al-Muhammadiyah" or " الميزان الشعرانية المدخلة لجميع أقوال الأئمة المجتهدين ومقلّديهم في الشريعة المحمديّة"

He states these madhabs on page 78 but without the Madhab of al-Ouza'ee (rah) or Ja'afar (rah) these were added by me, in this drawing he says that ALL madhabs are like the veins of the eye, they all point towards the centre of the eye because they all come from the same main source (The Sunnah)

And this old manuscript can be downloaded from here:
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