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Old 04-17-2011, 05:40 AM   #32

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I was utterly shocked yesterday when hearing the news of Vittorio Arrigoni being kidnapped, and even more so when I read he was found dead.
Whoever killed him is a dumb stupid crimian moron and should be severely punished by the Hamas government.

Vittorio Arrigoni wasn't the typical "western pacifist" who goes to war places feeling he's saving the world. He was very well known amongst all the pro-Palestine associations here in Italy and has been involved in countless actions of concrete solidariety, even the "Free Gaza" flotilla; remained in Gaza during the zionist attack, corresponding with newspapers and giving news of what happened there.

And on top on that, he's always been pro-resistance and - as far as I can say - one of the most "pro-Islamic" pro-Palestine activist.

In fact, it seems this bunch of stupid idiots kidnapped him due to his being "near to Hamas", and in order to have a few of their friends freed from prisons.

Almost everytime the zombie salafies come into a Jihad scenario they ruin everything.
May Allah guide them or put them in such a situation which prevent them to damage the true Jihad.

I can't understand why the Salafis have to insist on opposing every other group when it comes to Islamic revolutions and politics.

I've heard that the Salafis have started their own political group in Egypt as well, and are opposing the Ikhwan. And all I think is why? Will they actually be able to do anything other than split the pro-Islam and pro-Shariah Muslims?

I'm no fan of the Ikhwan myself, but at least they have the numbers to make a change in Egypt. Why would anyone want to divide the Islamic agenda in a place like that?
lagunaEl is offline


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