My Dream...Any thoughts or opinions would be very greatful
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05-20-2011, 06:52 PM
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Oct 2005
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My Dream...Any thoughts or opinions would be very greatful
Salaam Brothers / Sisters
Ive mentioned this to a few ppl but not for any ideas on a meaning etc. I had been in Umrah in 2005 taking my mother. and after we had returned over the course of maybe a year or so started having these dreams. The one i wanted to ask about was this:
I found myself in Mecca nothing strange. and i entered the holy mosque only to find it to be deserted and nobody there at all..could only hear the wind and see the birds. I made my way towards the Kabba, kind of nervous in feeling, on my approach i could see there was not a single person in site just me. I walked to the Kabba to prostrate and made my way to the black stone. Having kissed the stone i froze and grew nervous and quiet scared as there was a very sharp powerful bright light behind me and surrounding me...which made my heart beat fast. i didnt want to turn out of fear simple human nature im guessing but could sense this was very powerful.
At that point i woke up n do not remember any more..
does anybody have any ideas or thoughts on what this could mean??
Many thanks,
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