Imam Zahid al Kawthari on the formation of SECTS!
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03-22-2011, 04:56 PM
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Oct 2005
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Most of those engaged in debating the Mulhidin were Mu'tazilah, not all, thus he mentioned both.
Mufti Husain, your help is really appreciated! Could you maybe give another word for Theoreticians since the dictionary basically gives me the same word in german, and i don't really know what to make out of it. Is it something in line of islamic philosophers?
It means that the natural reaction to the Mu'tazilah having the upper-hand and suppressing the hashawiyyah etc, was that the Mu'tazilah would then become suppressed while the Hashawiyyha would come into favour with those in power. That part i understood, but should it not say "and the suppression of the Theoreticians and the Mu’tazilah
came to and end
" or "got weaker" or something like that?
Also, this part "without a scar or noise" should be translated as "without any uproar or clamour". I thought it meant that the work of the ahlu sunnah was not disturbed by it, but it seems the meaning is that their work did not have much effect?
Are you sure that you would manage to accurately translate this article? The Arabic is extremly difficult, while this translation is very unclear. I am not sure, at least not if i am on my own, but with help from you i hope it's possible...
For example, what did you understand this passage to mean:
"And Banoo Umayyah were not alike in vigilance to the Rightly Guided (Khulafaa) regarding the creed of the Muslims unless it infringed upon their rule. So the first to be deceived by them were the Shee’ah. But how quick they were to turn back from that due to the Mu’tazilah’s debate with them. However, it didn’t last with them as it lasted between the Hashaweeyah[xiv] narrators while Basrah was the Metropolis of opinions and sects." Obviously i can't give you my german translation of it (or do you know german? : )) but i will try to reformulate my german translation into simple and maybe more primitive english:
"and the banu umayya were not as watchful regarding the protection of the creed of the muslims, as the rightly guided khulafa, except when it endangered their rule. So the first ones that were deceived by them (the mushabihha) were the shia. But they were fast in turning away from that after debating with the mutazila (so the shia went back from tashbih to more itizal based creed). So it did not last as long with them (the shia) as with the haschawiyya and basra was the stronghold of (deviant) opinions and sects."
Do you think that is correct, or did i get it totally wrong?
Also if its too much work for you to answer all my questions (as i am sure there will be many more) please feel free to tell me so know, since i won't go on with my translation then. Without the kind of help i'm getting from you on this Mufti Husain, i don't think i can translate it accurately enough...
At least i'm glad you also find the translation somewhat unclear and it's not (or not only at least) my lack of knowledge...
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