How do You Build a Connection with Allah Swt?
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05-16-2011, 10:31 PM
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Oct 2005
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How do You Build a Connection with Allah Swt?
I think about this regularly, but cant seem to find the answer. Some people say read salaah, quran, make zikr etc. and you will feel the connection. I can't feel it. Sometimes during salaah I feel extreme calmness and total ease, but I still cant see or feel the connection.
I guess what I am talking about is an overwhelming closeness or attachment that makes me want to do more, read more salaah, quran or zikr. A sense of connection that will make me stop any evil deeds in its tracks. Does it or can it exist? Can we get to such a state??
I suppose this might require answering by someone very knowledgeable in deen, perhaps a sheik or someone. Any assistance from the layman would also be appreciated.
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