How do You Build a Connection with Allah Swt?
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05-18-2011, 09:41 AM
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Oct 2005
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Yes Intent everything we do as it is for Allah. Common mistake we make is that we intent only Salath, fasting etc to Allah. Things we do the most such as eating, working, studying etc We mostly do with the intent to satisfy ourselves.
Like the
did, I think we should intent all this for Allah. Well eg: If we ask ourselves
'why do we eat?'
the answer would be:' to give us energy and healthy.' I think we should modify this answer to 'I eat to be energetic any healthy so that I can do my Salath properly and for the energy to worship Allah.'
'why do I work?'
Ans: 'To make money So that I can spend it in the way of Allah, to take care of my family as Allah has commanded.' And So on. We should convert the intention of every Halal deed we do in the way of Allah. Everything should be 'Fisabeelillah' (in the path of Allah). This way we wont turn into zombies enslaved to the modern life trying to achieve obscure goals in life, But rather we will start built a connection with Allah. InshAllah.
P.s. The best way to do this is to say 'Bismillahir-rehmanir-raheem' before you do all good things. Its significance is immense.
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