Things that puzzled me in Istanbul masjids
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05-04-2011, 05:38 AM
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Oct 2005
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Things that puzzled me in Istanbul masjids
Assalamu alaykum
I went to Istanbul recently and noticed a few things. Could someone shed some light on these?
Most, if not all the imams in the masjids didn't have beards. They all dressed the same (same type of red hat with white band) and were very stern-looking. The overall effect of having no beard, pale skin and an angry look was quite disconcerting to me. Bit of a leap of logic here, but I assumed that all these beardless imams might be 'government' imams from the same 'approved' darul uloom. At times, there were other imams (in the same masjids) who had big beards and departed from the 'uniform'. I assume these were not the regular imams but maybe just laypeople.
I can't believe that Hanafi imams would have no beard whatsoever. This is why I'm thinking that these imams might have come through some sort of government-sponsored educational system that has some strange teachings.
Another thing I noticed is that, during jama'ah, the mu'adhin would often pray separately from everyone else - on his own at the back of the room! Why does this happen?
Other times, I noticed a group of people would be at the back during jama'ah - I assume the mu'adhin was praying with this group, which is better than being on his own I guess.
The last thing I noticed is that a couple of times (in two different masjids), the imam said the takbir tahrimah even before the mu'adhin had finished the iqamah; he would say it right in the middle of the last "la ilaha illallah". This was confusing for the women if they couldn't see the imam and the rest of the congregation, as the takbir would be lost in the iqamah.
I found all these things strange and puzzling. Is there any explanation?
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