I read his book on that travel. Don't remember where he mentions as such, however, I can attest that Turkish appointed religious Imams, are for nothing but good ever there. I've been in my countries in Central Asia, met with such Imams. All I found about them nothing but goodness, sincerity, and strong effort to uplift the spirit of Muslims and bring them back towards religion. I saw many children and their families started practicing traditional Islam in the hands of these few Turkish Imams. Many people, even some entire villages were mostly guided by Allah, in the hands these few and by their sincere efforts. Being Turkish appointed doesn't mean to stick to secularism. No, no. These Imams are God-fearing people and they know what they are doing. Besides, mostly they are coming from rooted traditions such some orders of naqshi, qadiri, shazali or from the nur jamaat. I think the guy who was in the gathering with Shaikh Zulfiqar, was an ignorant Turkish student, or some kind of a spy I assume. Or best bet, he was Kemalist activist staying in that country. Yeah, I think that's the case. The reason for this assumption is that, in Istanbul I went to this Waqf of Ataturk. They told me about their mission in Central Asia, that they are trying to spread some cultural thing in there. They might be appointed by government too, but I think not for religious purpose. Even here in US where I live, there are two groups of people; kemalists and others. Kemalists are extremely easy to recognize from the way they dress - in an ultra modernized (!) way. You may guess what I am saying. Hope that helps.