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Old 05-02-2011, 11:21 AM   #35
Lenny Hensley

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Oct 2005
Senior Member

You have opened a can of worms bro

I would request the brother to go in the. khurooj. The solution to all the masail of deeni & dunyawi issues lies in the effort of dawate. It is because of the effort of dawate that Allah Ta'ala had broken so many baatil and fitnah's. If this effort has so much impact on the baatil then will it not able to do our Islah? It is this that turns off most of the people who are involved in Zikr and Ilm and the Frontiers. I do not know why people think all these efforts are different. We once went on Jamat, cash thashkeel (brothers who got ready to go on Jamat immediately) was 2 bus loads. Everyone was happy, the people of the village thought we were Auliya Allah. Shaitan put that thought into the hearts of the brothers in the Jamat as well. We came back to Markaz, was speaking to an old Worker about this. He told me that if we think that our efforts made these brothers go out, we have not understood what happened. He asked me how many apples it takes to make 1 kilo. I said many. He said it takes many apples, and asked me what if the apple that went last, says "I am the one who made this reach a kilo". He said no, there are apples under him, they all add to the weight.

Likewise, effort has been done before, by different people, in different ways, our jamat just went and added the last apple to make it a kilo. Does not mean the whole weight was ours. The way I see it, this effort of Deen that we are doing didnt start yesterday or today, or from Maulana Ilyas rah or Khwaja Muinudeen Chisti rah. It started the day Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was given Nubuwwat.

Were all doing the same thing, its no different, but in different patterns. You have like Tabligh, you are comfortable with it, thats good. Another likes Zikr, another like Ilm. This type of thinking leads the Zaakireen to think that the people in the Khanqah are most enlightened, other poor guys are running around on Ghust (visiting brothers) and sitting in Ta'leem, they havent got the taufiq to understand what the REAL effort is.

Then the Tablighis think, man, look at the change this effort has brought about, were THE people. Poor guys, sitting in a old Masjid and rolling a thasbeeh. I heard someone say this about Maulana Talha db. I felt like slamming him into the wall actually (would not have done it). Poor guy.

The the Frontier brothers, our lions, think look at these women, theyre running around on Ghust and sitting doing Zikr, theyre not REAL men. I can go on and on. So what is the REAL work and who are THE accepted people? Its a joke actually. You need to open up your eyes and see reality. Ofcourse everyones accepted. You need to move with people who have the Mizaj of our Akabir. I dont mean the responsible brothers in your Area. I mean the Elders at Markaz. Markaz is not a building with 4 walls that people go to listen bayan. Markaz is the amal inside and more important, the people inside. The Akabir.

So Tabligh isnt the only apple that made the package 1 kilo. Silent dua after Muraqaba in Tahajjud of the Sufi, dua of the Mudarris who teaches Bukhari (or Noorani Qiadah for that matter) in a remote village, dua of a brother on the Frontier when he gets hit by a bullet. These are unseen apples. Tabligh is apparent for people, Allah is using it as the last apple that makes 1 kilo. That one kilo, that mujahidah, that is needed to bring hidayat in the lives of people.

You are not alone brother. Someone correct me if im wrong. Wallahu Alam
Lenny Hensley is offline


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