Marrying a female scholar?
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05-03-2011, 07:04 PM
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Nov 2008
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I have just been reading through this thread and wondering what does tarbiyyah entail in this context? To me, zeal for knowledge is important in the spouse but that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be an 'alim. I also feel it is really important for them to be on the path with a righteous shaykh as I have heard of sisters who have got married to brothers who don't see the point of tasawwuf- this is sometimes visible in their character. I don't know how I would be assured that somebody was pious if they kept on saying I don't need to be on the path, I have nothing to improve. It's very true what some of us are saying here, being an 'alimah does not necessarily mean piety, I teach in a Maktab where teenage girls are given the basics of their deen. I know for sure some of them are forced into coming, some of them secretly bring headphones and listen to music! If anything, their kind of suhbah is very important, as is one's taqwa, one's talab in both religious improvement and seeking knowledge and one's beautiful akhlaaq. Nonetheless, probably it is better that the two are on the same page...And Allah knows best.
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