that does not only mean islamic. you can have a alimah who is still steeped in the material things and vice versa. like i said, the main thing is that the women has some piety and the same type of mindset. if a person is islamic on the exterior yet inside is not, in terms of wanting a islamic lifestyle,simplicity,sunnah etc, then the couple will have issues. this is where tarbiyyah comes in. having a beard/thawb, or niqab does not equate piety. people adopt such things for many reasons. if i told you what young alimahs(especially those from part time alimah courses) are demanding from prospective husbands then you would be shocked. Even a local scholar involved in such institutes is worried about the situation. he himself said that ilm is being learnt, but tarbiyyah is not being done. he said girls are coming out from darul uloom with more dunya in their hearts than their non darul uloom going conterparts. some is down to the environment,some is down to the parents. my wifes knows plenty of women who,although not being 'alimahs', these women have a tremendous taqwa,piety and a far better understanding of deen than lots of alimahs.