All these 'islamic' groups need to be exterminated. Seriously, what a bunch of idiots making people hate Islam. I wouldnt be surprised if lots of ignorant Somalis left Islam all together after this, if this is the Islam theyre exposed to. And lol, banning football? Have they not heard of the hadeeth where the Prophet(pbuh) himself used to play and race his wives on the sand?? They call everyone else ignorant but these retarded groups are the ones who are really ignorant. Inshallah the ahlul Sunnah defeat them soon and then implement the true Sharia law, in accordance to the Sunnah and Quran.
And about the Taliban banning womens education and other 'useless' things, this is true as we all know. It is a well known fact that they didnt want women doing anything other than staying at home, and we all know they pretty much banned everything; even sports like football were banned. And i dont see how these things like women learning are 'useless', because we all know that if they actually did govern by Sharia, then women would have alot of rights, and sports would not be banned because Islam is not oppressive, in fact it is very lenient. Yes, this Ummah is messed up, and may Allah fix it and unite all Muslims under the true banner of Islam and the Sunnah/.