Huzoor e Paak Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam states in a Hadith that if you dream of me, U Surely have as shaytaan cannot take my form. In another hadith its stated that the worst lie is to say u have dreamt something when u didn't. My bro did his alim course at a deobandi, wahaabi Darul Uloom in Newcastle, South Africa. During one of his classes, his najdi teacher blurted out. "All those that stand and read salaam wasted their time as their salaam is NOT ACCEPTED by Huzoor e Paak Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam" This made my bro very disheartened. He made dua to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala as follows, " O Allah, all these years I've been standing and sending salaam to Huzoor e Paak Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam, is this all in vain." Alhamdulillah, that very night he dreamt of Huzoor e Paak Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam. Huzoor e Paak Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam tells him, " O Abdur Rahman, whether you STAND OR SIT, I ( Salalahu Alaihi wa Salam) REPLY TO YOUR SALAAM." The next day he related his dream to his Ustaad ( Rahmatulah Alai). I can't remember this ustaads (Rahmatulah Alai) name but he is late. This ustaad founded Darul Uloom Newcastle. His ustaad replied, Abdur Rahman, u must stand on the mimbar and inform the people ( wahaabis,etc) of ur dream, instruction." I may well ask u , after reading this post, who Do YoU TRUST, HUZOOR e PAAK SALALAHU ALAI wa SALAM or the corrupt deobandi alims.???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????