Prophetic relics miracles
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04-24-2011, 11:14 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Assalamu alaikum,
brother, i would ask you to provide sound evidence for these claims from a scriptural perspective.
There has been many sahaba who had prophet's hair, and as to my understanding i have not heard any single such claims of miracles ( ie. It growing & splitting, moving by itself, glowing in the dark etc.) narrated by those sahabas. Kindly correct me if my understanding is wrong.
Its kind of really strange that these miracles are reported by Indians many centuries later and not recorded by the companions of the prophet.
There is a stone which some claim to be sacred and has even built a Maqam around it, Yes. A STONE ! And a tree which they would come to seek blessings from (for fertility) .. there are many strange miraculous stories around these shameful acts and many of them attributed to some great scholars who wouldn't have anything to do with it at all. All these miraculous claims really does woo the average layman who are not well versed in their deen to fall into the trap of those who make mockery out of their deen.
There are people who really profit from making prophet's hair into a business and this cannot just be ignored and taken as a part of belief. Those who claim to have the hair in my locality has even equated doubting the authenticity of hair in custody to an act of Kufr, and that too without any solid evidence for their claim and has even divided the sunni community, those opposing within the sunni community has even blatantly said the hair is pure forgery.. and many evidence have surfaced to support their stand.
How can these claims be considered as a part of belief ?
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