Prophetic relics miracles
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04-25-2011, 08:53 AM
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Oct 2005
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You'll be responsible to Allah for your flimsy accusations against different shuyukh, including the ones of Kerala (it seems your jealous because of your sectarian beliefs and that numerous shuyukh from worldwide came to honour the Sheikh of Kerala) Fear Allah brother, stop issuing judgement about your brother whom you do not even know.
Iam free from your accusations, i do not belong to any sect or any group ! I do not ascribe myself any particular title other than being a muslim. Iam not a salafi either.
I was exposed to each and every sect in my locality from child hood, so i know the good and bad in them.. the same reason why i dont ascribe myself to any group.
and just to clarify, i wasnt accusing Khazraji i was actually referring to his son who handled the ceremoney.. even then, i didnt accuse him of anything personally, may be he whole heartedly believe what he is saying.
I didnt even mention the name of the Sheikh from Kerala, i havent laid any personal accusations against him other than describing an incident that happenned as described by who went to him, though i disagree with him like many others do. I personally do not like slandering others even if i disagree with them.
and brother xs11ax, clearly shows the details on the shadow.
I wish to stop with this, and i dont like dragging this anymore, you are free to believe whatever you want.. since as a muslim iam not required to believe every claims of miracles thrown at me other than whats in the scriptures, i'll stay away from them.
(otherwise, the hindus and christians around here would have more miracles and proofs from them than what muslims have..)
May Allah guide us all in the right path and not go astray in these times of great Fitna.
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