Murabitun 2011
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03-01-2011, 05:45 PM
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Oct 2005
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Murabitun 2011
I just want to know your thought about Murabitun. Because the threads about Murabitun in this forum is as old as from 2004. The reason I want to know about your thought is because in my country Indonesia they have strong presence. They have organization: Wakala Induk Nusantara (WIN) - dinar & dirham coin minting, Baitul Mal Nusantara (BMN) - the only amil zakat who accepts dinar & dirham, JAWARA - a network of merchants who use dinar & dirham, Festival Hari Pasaran (FHP) - A traditional market where they trade with dinar & dirham.
In the neighbor country, one of Malaysia's state: Kelantan pass a law about dinar & dirham as a second official currency of the state and their initial coin minting is supplied by WIN and I've heard that Kazakhtan will soon minting their own dinar & dirham and use the same standar as WIN.
They do this where there are islamization of banking and their products. Now in Indonesia besides "syariah" banking there are "syariah" stocks market, "syariah" etc... Everything that was haraam before now has "syariah" label in it.
After reading
"I Want The Earth Plus 5%" by Larry Hannigan
, I think I know why there are a lot of islamization efforts of banking products in the world. The murabitun wants muslims use the real syariah money: dinar & dirham not the same banking products with "syariah" label.
But it just my thought. How about yours, is it positive or negative? Is there murabitun movement in your country?
Because I've heard some negative comments in the Internet about murabitun and Syeikh Abdalqadir As-Sufi. Is it because what they do to bring back dinar & dirham after the last Khilafah in 1924.
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