Murabitun 2011
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03-01-2011, 06:22 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Heard about the whole dinar & dirham thing but can't comment much on it. The movement is big in Cape Town (a lot of white reverts to Islaam affiliate with the movement.) I was invited by this other revert bro last year when I was down there to accompany him for zuhr salaah. I ended up at the Murabitun masjid (not realising at the time, but the big poster about the dinar at the entrance should have caught my attetion in hind sight.) Found the salaah a bit strange/wierd (hard straw carpet throughout the masjid, but then again it is a valid Maliki opinion.) Was a problem making wudhu because they were still renovating the wudhu khana (dust & cement) all over the place. The imaam who lead seemed to be lacking seriously in tajweed skills...I declined the bro thereafter and attended the other (and there are one on almost every corner) traditional masjid in the area.
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