Bismillah There is a good rappor between the UK based Deoband Affilate scholar and Murabit scholars. I know Imam Abdasamad Clark has high regard for some of the Deoband Lumianries of the past that he is aware of. I remember taking an orthodox Deobandi Sufi brother to Norwich. He disagreed with some of the practices like reading Nasri Dua in a group but as a whole he appreciated the Murabit brother and their general outlook. He said to me different people fullfilling differnt need of the ummah in their won ways. Murabits drive for Gold & silver currency inshallah be adopted through out the muslim world. The batil uses money to manipulate people. When we muslim apply the golden principle, batil will inshallah lose its grip on the people of the world. All is needed is our conviction and taqwa to manifest in daily matters of life. May Allah keep them steadfast in all that is good and guide all of us to haq and unite our heart. Allahualam