Murabitun 2011
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04-14-2011, 05:01 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
As-salamu ´alaykum wa rahmatu'Llah,
I think that if you come from a background filled with discourses of an intellectual nature, you will be looking for a framework that encompasses that. Most local imams or murshids fail to encompass the finer points of philosophy, sociology, or even history and politics. Rather they stay within the comfort of the tradition of their ancestors. This is not to disrespect anyone, but if you do not come from that background it may be hard to feel at home. Similarly it may be hard for a lot of traditional Indo-Pakistanis to feel at home within the framework of the Murabitun. And it's all fine as long as it is within the limits of the Shari´ah.
The monetary system that has been forced upon us is batil according to most classical and acceptable definitions. They are working towards the monetary system of the Sunnah, this cannot be but commendable. Inshaa' Allah, once we have a valid monetary system to base our transactions on, we can also pay a Zakat that is considered valid and obligatory. Remember Zakat is a pillar. They are doing tajdid of a pillar!
They are also active in building an alternative society. Just look at Norwich, where the community has an Amir, a Qadi etc. While in the UK half of the (practising) Muslims are basically duped into thinking the
Liberal Democrats
are a decent substitute for an Amir.
Do I agree with the Murabitun on everything? No I do not. But I do give credit where credit is due.
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