Thread: Murabitun 2011
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Old 04-15-2011, 07:07 PM   #33

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Mashallah he is coping well. his wife is of middleastern origin follwoing hanafi fiqh. She does not wear niqab and my friend says she is aware of the rules of hijab but can't force it upon her. It is her perogative. He is studying the Sufi Hadith under the guidance of Shaikh Saleem. I was surprised when he said he is a mureed as I was quiet apprehensive about Shaikh Saleems strict approach. It seems my friend really likes Shaikh saleem. He has read quiet a lot of their publication.
He is not a murabit but understand their stance in dealing with situation faced by reverts in the western context and like myself has a lot of respect. i remember sending him a small article on dress code. The imam clark said to me for a revert, talking of a dress code is premature specially when someone just entered into the faith. It is important they grasp the concept of deen first. The rest will follow. this is a pragmatic approach
Thats exactly what I mean due to deobandi's having a 'strict' stance on certain issues and if one is also involved heavily with other groups,it could cause confusion. Mashallah that is great that your friend is enjoying the company of shaykh saleem.

I think Imam Abdassamads stance on that is very pragmatic and practical. Sometimes, the outer aspects are given so much importance(to a new revert) that the inner aspects of faith,belief are put to the side and when the excitement dies down of being a revert, doubts start to appear as the foundation was weak. Also, if a person makes to many outer changes too quickly, he might find it hard to adapt amongst family and friends and thus more obstacles may come which could have been handled differently.

See this is where people such as Imam Abdassammad could play a key role within other communities who do not have many reverts and thus may not know how to handle the situation.
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