Ex Muslim Argument
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04-23-2011, 02:06 AM
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Nov 2005
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Look, brother! The Qur'an is not a book of science; such was never the focus of the Qur'an, and never will be.
Let us take out a moment to examine the personality of the messenger sallaLlahu 'alayhi wa alihi wa sallam. There are only three possiblities: [1] He was sincere, and Allah was revealing to him; [2] He was sincere yet deluded [wal-'iyadhu biLlah]; or [3] He was lying, purposefully [wal-'iyadhu biLlah, may Allah save us from believing such nonsense].
Let us commence from possibility [3]. Clearly, if he were to devote his entire life to such a persuit, he must have had his reasons for doing so, and be in a position to benefit materially from it. The authentic narrations, however, are to the contrary.
If he were looking for wealth, he did not recieve any as a result of his propagation of Islam in Makkah (instead he recieved torment, insults and alienation from society). In Madinah, the spoils from war (specifically the fifth reserved for his family) were all given away, such that it was often noted that he had no food to feed his own family. There are incedents of bedoins tugging at his shoulders, and he would give away all his wealth, sallaLlahu 'alayhi wa alihi wa sallam. In other instances, companions would visit him finding no posessions in his house besides rough skin which made up his bed, and would leave marks on his body. Clearly, his motivation was not monetary related.
If he were looking for prominence in society, the logical way to do so would not be to create a religion so contradictory to society's principals and norms that it would earn him ridicule, murder of his followers and, ultimately, expulsion from the city. He was offered (by the leaders of the Quraysh) numerous compromises (a good woman, wealth, kingship), and yet consistently refused. This is indicative of someone with certainty that matters would improve, and he was looking at the long-term. This could only be as a result of sincere faith in what he was doing.
The fact, therefore, is that he was sincere in his message that he was the messenger of Allah. Thus it could not possibly be that he was forging what he believed to be the revelation from Allah i.e. the Qur'an. As a result of these deductions, we are left with possibilities [1] and [2].
If, according to [2], he was indeed deluded, we must ask ourselves as to what exactly this entailed. We have demonstrated that he was not forging the revelation, and thus was recieving it independantly of his [concsious] self. Since it was not from himself, we know it must have indeed been revelation (from Allah), and thus he certainly was not deluded.
We are now only left with possibility [1], namely, that he was the messenger of Allah, sallaLlahu 'alayhi wa alihi wa sallam. We therefore accept all that he came with without hesitation.
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