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Old 04-23-2011, 11:14 PM   #3

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Oct 2005
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Salamu alaikum,

If a woman marries a brand new revert to Islam and/or her father just reverted to Islam and neither of these men know how to pray yet, should she lead them in prayer if they cannot go to pray with other men or at the masjid (if maybe they are hours away from the nearest one or something)? If she should lead them, how exactly should she do it?

Jazakallah khair
Wa alaykum salam

Imam Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said that 'if a woman leads a man or men in a congregational prayer, the prayer of the men is invalid. As for her prayer, and the prayer of the women praying with her, it is sound. While in a household, if there are no qualified men to lead a prayer it is the one exception for women to lead men in prayers

Sunan Abu Dawud, Volume 1, book 2, hadith number 592:
Umm Waraqah, the daughter of Abdullah bin al-Harith: "the Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to visit her at her house. He appointed a mu'adhin to call adhan for her and he commanded her to lead the inmates of her house in prayer." Abdurrahman said, "I saw that her mu'adhin was an old man."

some nowaday Islamic scholars such as Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, consider it allowed for a knowledgeable woman to lead mixed prayers within her own houshold (note this does not mean guests, just the family members inside the house), using the Umm Waraqah hadith mentioned above as he considers this to largely cancel out the danger of the men being aroused by her presence, because she is their family.

however some scholars are more lenient than others in this issue. but all of the Sunni scholars and schools are agreed that a woman leading prayer away of her house is definitely not allowed, unless it is in an all-women area.

if you are unsure of leading them, then pray on your own and let them also pray on their own. the sooner they learn how to pray the better, because then inshaallah they can start leading the family prayer.

and Allah knows best.
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