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Old 04-22-2011, 10:24 PM   #18

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Oct 2005
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for now i would like to know if there is anyone here who would be willing to sacrifice their dunya and family ties to safeguard and further their iman and that of their family and to live in an islamic orientated community.
Typically , in many Muslim countries you can find some islands of Islamic oriented communities who are closely related to some Sufi shaykhs. So , if you are really serious in making Hijrah , find out a genuine sufi shaykh in your country of choice , visit that place as a tourist and then decide.

However, you also need to think about the market demand of your job skill in that new country.

For , the Muslims living in Europe , I think , Turkey might be the best country to do Hijrah as long as
AKP and other Islam-friendly parties are in the govt.
Alina20100 is offline


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