Was Isa (Jesus) PBUH sinless?
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04-23-2011, 07:09 AM
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Oct 2005
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Excerpt taken from Aqaa'idul Islaam:
All of the Nabis 'Alaihimus salaam are pure and chaste servants of Allaah Ta'aala. They are free from minor and major sins. The belief of the chastity of the Nabis 'Alaihimus salaam is part of Imaan. If the Nabis 'Alaihimus salaam were not pure and chaste, then Allaah Ta'aala would have never ordered their implicit and absolute obedience. He would not have leveled obedience to them as obedience to him. He would not have said that to take bai'ah (allegiance) upon their hands is like taking bai'ah upon His Hands.
"Whoever obeys the Rasool
Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam
obeys Allaah
because Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam conveys the message of Allaah
"Indeed those who pledge their allegiance
on various matters
to you
O Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam
they really pledge allegiance to Allaah
because they do so to please Allaah
. Allaah's hand is above theirs
when they take the pledge because Allah approves it
Ma'soom (sinless) is he who is the chosen and preferred servant of Allaah. His habits, traits and actions are all chosen by Allaah Ta'aala. Their hearts are completely free and pure from evil and satanic effects. Since Allaah Ta'aala has mentioned in the Qur'aan Kareem that the Nabis are His chosen and special servants, it implies that they are so in every aspect of their lives. They are cleansed from internal as well as external faults and evils. If any slip up occurs in a Nabi, due to forgetfulness or mistake, then we attribute it to an outside factor and not an inherent fault. For example, the heat in boiling water is due to some outside factor (stove, etc) and this heat is not an inherent or natural quality of water. The natural quality of water is coolness and not heat. If water is placed in a fire then it will extinguish it. In a similar way, the natural disposition of the Ambiyaa is purity and homogeneity. Hence a slip up by a Nabi can never be counted as a sin, since they are not naturally disposed to evil. The mistake of Hadhrat Aadam 'Alaihis salaam was due to forgetfulness.
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