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Old 04-07-2011, 01:30 AM   #7

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Brother Warrior1 did you open this thread to show that the Salafis are forcing their will upon others?? But this thread just shows that you have no idea abot the arab world!!

You really choosed the wrong country! Why?? Can you deny that the Salafi 'Ulama in Misr have done very much da'wa and tabligh?? Or can you deny that thousands of youngsters in Misr made tawba because of the Salafi 'Ulama?? Ohh and almost all of these Salafi 'Ulama do not say to the people "be Salafi!" and they've even spoken against calling oneself "Salafi"!

As for leveling the graves: This is not a "Salafi" or "Sufi" issue!!! It was Sayyidina Rasulallah who ordered Imam Ali to level the graves, so whoever is against leveling graves is actually against the order of our Prophet and is against Imam Ali !!!

And since you seem to know nothing about the arab world, let's tell you something:
In Mosul (in Iraq) there is a tomb called "Nabi Yunus" (they say that this is the place where Hz. Yunus is burried) and many people make ziyarah of this tomb! My mother told me "You won't hear the name of ALLAH mentioned there!"... you know what that means?? Many many people commit shirk there!!!!! And there are people in Egypt who are just like that and these are the "Sufis" that are mentioned in the article!! They are NOT Sufi like the Deobandis, rather they're either hardcore bid'atis or even mushrikeen!!

And while you mention the "Sufis and Salafis in Egypt", the enemies of Islam in Egypt want to change the second article of the Egyptian constitution (the article that states that the deen of the state is Islam and that the laws of the state are the shari'ah)!! And many Salafi 'Ulama (while they also said that they support the changing of the constitution, but they said that the second article is an article which is "fawq al dastur" (=above the constitution) and that they would never ever accept it that anyone changes it!) have defended Islam against the mal'oon 'Ilmaniyeen (=secularists) like for example Shaykh Muhammad Hassan did:

And the same Shaykh calls the muslims to unity and he says that the muslims should be united especially in this very important period for Egypt (he said that in a very recent video)!!

Ohh and read the comment of brother Usama2!!

it is as if you have made your own imaginary friend, and you are having an argument with him....

Brother, why are you making an assumption that Warrior1's intentions in opening this thread were to do that? Is it not more likely that he opened it to draw attention precisely to what Usama2 was pointing out- that there is an ongoing framing in the media of 'Sufism' as 'the musicing dancey type peace-lovin' hippie muslims who won't bother being angry about the murder of their brothers' while 'Salafism' is framed as 'the Muslims what have beards and enjoin the good and forbid the evil and all that stuff that us seculary-types don't be liking at all?'

It's part of the ongoing strategy of 'secularization' of Islamic society which would signal the deathknell of deen among the masses (to even more of an extent). This is what occurred with Christian society after the vernacularization of the Bible in the 16th century (although it's not like the Catholic Church was really the model of civilization, but that's beyond the point).

Anyway, given that the brother didn't comment on the article but just posted it I think it's not a good idea one way or the other to assume something about his intentions.
you are right in what you say, brother. i am against FAKE sufis, and im also against extremist-salafis. both are a problem in egypt.... and just yesterday i read that egypt is now considering re-establishing ties with iran!! all these deviant groups ar an embarrassment to muslims.... however, there is still a lot of extremism being done by salafis also, as there is repetively attacks against christians by certain salafi groups. i think egypt is sinking itself into muddy water...

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