Salam yes but why should we have any reason to believe that practicing muslims, in this case salafis, had anything to do with those? we don't trust the media when it lies abt deobandies or the mujahideen, why trust them to report accurately on salafis? the media is obviously going to portray/deceive the public regarding individuals who are very outspoken regarding their view that shariah should be the law, while the "moderate" "fake sufis" entertain secularism and describe democracy - a man-made system that allows the constitution to change according the whims of the era - as being consistent/compatible with islam. i remeber recently watching this report on the growing power of the "salaphists" in egypt, and let me say they spared no effort to portray them as neo-fascists or worse. and what was the their crime?...they wanted to do away with secularism.