"Sufis in Egypt feel pressure as Salafi power grows" (article)
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04-07-2011, 01:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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The Ulamaa' of al Islaam can see a fitnah emerging, while the ignorant masses only realize a fitnah came after it passes. This is exactly what is happening in Egypt. The Ulamaa' of al Islaam, especially the great Ulamaa of Saudi Arabia knew from the very beginning of the street protests and disturbances that this is a big fitnah. Did these ignorant people who march on the streets, carrying crosses to show their "Solidarity" with Christians, ever ask a single scholar of the Sunnah whether this is something they should do?
Since when is marching on the streets, carrying posters, burning flags, rioting, etc., from our Religion? Doesn't the Quraan say that fitnah is worse than killing? Islaam is a religion of order, discipline and security. A tyrannical and corrupt government is a million times better than anarchy and disorder. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم strictly told us to obey the ruler, even if he is flogging people and taking their wealth unjustly.
So the 'Ulamaa of Al Islaam advised the people not to participate in this "Revolution", to stay in their homes and lock the doors. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم himself warned of a fitnah where the person who is sitting is better than the person who is standing.
Now what has come as a result of this "revolution", one that was ironically supported by the so called "Muslim Brotherhood"?? More secularism, more anti-Islaamic ideas, and more Westernization. Elections have been announced. I ask any sincere Muslim...since when is elections allowed in our Religion? Democracy is a Greek word that means "Power of the People", it is a concept that is foreign to our Religion.
Of course, all the deviant groups, the Soofis, the Asharis, the Ikhwaanis, the secularists, the socialists, the Coptics, the feminists, etc., all supported this "Revolution" in the common name of Egypt nationalism. It was only the Ghurabaa (the strangers who have been given glad tidings of Jannah by the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم) who remained aloof from this Fitnah, and adhered to the advice of the 'Ulamaa of Al-Islaam.
Now we can see that the prophecies that knowledge will be taken away by the eventual demise of the scholars is becoming fulfilled. Now people are taking the ignorant Soofis, Peers, Mullahs, etc., are their leaders and as a result they are falling into all sorts of tribulations.
May Allaah guide this Ummah back to the Sunnah [aameen]
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