In addition to that, Demolishing it will cause one Hell of a Fitnah...but I try to think "What would Rassul-Allah SAWS want", according to the narrations he would want it removed, if he were alive he'd order us to remove it, No problem there, nobody would disagree...but he's not here anymore, only his Sunnah remains... problem is you have to convince them that the prophet PBUH did say this and they will refuse you and all that you say, they might resort to "No no no All of these Hadiths are weak" OR "Could the nation have been wrong for the past 700 years!?"... My answer is yes we could have been wrong for the past 700 years, I mean look at us today as a nation.. We wouldn't be in this ridiculous state if we haven't been making mistakes over long periods of time... If this Bida'ah Dome is removed there will be a lot of killing.