JazakAllah khair for everyones opinion Discussion is not why marrying the 2nd wife. Its established clearly and Allah SWT has made it very clear to us. No one can object that. Discussion is about marrying a 2nd wife secretly. 1. I dont see men following other sunnahs? But when it comes to this paritcular sunnah, they get defensive that its thawab and sunnah etc ! 2. In the quest of quenching your nafsaani thirst, you are ruining the lives of your first wife and children from first wife. 3. You are risking the bonds, relationships, family dynamics, financial needs, the emotional trauma that your first wife goes through The wife is a human too, if men can commit zina, so can the wife because of distributed attention among the wives! She can take the revenge out in any way she likes ! Not all wifes will get tamed just because the man married a 2nd wife, the opposite reaction can occur too. If the wife takes drastic actions, who is to blame? But thats ok, who cares about the long term problems and there consquences. We men just want to stay away from zina so we can marry another wife! yaayyyyy....