why do men marry secret wives and how do they maintain fairness
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04-20-2011, 05:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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What do you mean nafsi reasons not in terms of taqwa? So taking on means that help curb nafs desires is out of taqwa? So if I fast non stop for the next 6 months to control my desire would you say I am fasting for nafsi reason and not for taqwa? What is a taqwa-fied reason for getting married?
Maybe we have a hollywood bollywood idea of marriage, as in we marry for love? Love is for Allah swt. Allah swt says "ok if you love Me then treat your wife in such and such way, take care of her in such and such way" then we turn to the wife and treat our wife and take care of her in the way Allah swt wants us to, because we love Allah swt. Now, obviously, from spending such intimate time with wife we will develop love for her too, and its ok to love your wife but love for Allah swt should be most dominant in the heart. Anything, including nafsani desires, that can come in the way of this love should be dealt with. If a person is finding it hard to control himself despite having 1 wife then he needs to look at his options and see what is realistic. Sometimes its not even about his own nafsi desires; what if his wife just cannot keep up with his demands? Thats another angle and aspect. So this issue is not just white or black, there are many shades of grey we have to look at. What about all those girls who are sitting home collecting dust wanting pious guys and these guys have already been married years ago? Should those girls just settle at whatever they get? I am an advocate of keeping our society pure and clean. I dont like social evils and I believe that Islam has given practical means, cures, for every social problem. We just mess those means up and further perpetuate the problems.
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