abulayl ..... i am just curious about your statement "shia filth" what filth are you referring to if you dont mind me asking? and for the comment about shia only praying 3 times, shia actually pray 5 times a day but they have the option to combine them as did the prophet muhammad pbuh. i think that it is wonderful that she has converted alhamdulillah she is a muslim has taken her shahada, inshallah she will be a fasting woman, a praying woman, a woman who gives zakat and visits haj, inshallah she becomes a pious woman and may god bless her. regardless of whether she is a shia muslim, or a sunni muslim. shia islam is beautiful, and if you actually take the time to educate your selves (as it is prescribed by Allah swt for us to always gain knowledge) you will find that their ways are very credible.