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Old 04-18-2011, 07:53 PM   #6

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One hears many weird things from the mimbar sometimes

On Thursday night the Imam in a local musjid said that the amaal of the living are put forth to the dead family members on a Friday.... needless to say he didnt give any reference.

I told one brother about it, he said " Muhammad I dont listen to anything from that Imam because he never gives a reference for anything he says "

Our ulama need to get into the habbit for referencing the hadiths and stories they mention, especially those that awaam are not well aware of or goes against the grain..
It was not from the mimbar and the scholar is someone of very high repute. He is not only a scholar but a very well renowned shaykh in tassawwuf too. I listened to the audio several times,over and over again just to make sure I was not mishearing what I was hearing.

I agree in some respects but does his(the imam who you heard) comment have any actual weight. I mean lots of people say lots of things in their talks and so long as they are able to provide a reference,not necessarily during the discourse/lecture, then I don't think its a issue.

I mean if smeone asked him after the talk about the reference and he refused,then thats another matter, but giving references during the talk, sometimes its not possible nor practical.
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