Thread: Beard Length..?
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Old 11-08-2007, 04:37 AM   #4

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Is the beard wajib acording to all 4 madhabs...??

some1 said that keeping a beard is wajib, but lengthing it is fist that correct...?
Allaamah ibnul Hummaam (RA) has mentioned that nobody has permitted the trimming of the beard upto less than a fist’s length. (Fathul Qadeer; Shaami)

Hereunder are quotations from the Ulama of the other Madhaahib which support this. However, we suggest that you also contact the experts of each of these Madhaahib for more clarity.

The Shaafi’ee Madhab

Allaamah Nawawi (RA) states, ‘The correct view (according to the Shaafi’ee Madhab) is to leave it upto as long as it grows and it is Makrooh to trim it whatsoever.’ (al-Majmoo vol.1 pg.290)

Allaamah al-Iraaqi (RA) states in his book entitled, ‘Tarhu Tathreeb’ (vol.2 pg.8): ‘… that the best is to leave the beard totally and not to cut anything from it at all, and this is the view of Imaam al-Shaafi’ee and his students.’

There are quotations from 2 great scholars of the Shaafi’ee Madhab that do not permit the trimming of the beard at all, not even upto one fist. However, there are some Shaafi’ee scholars who have permitted to trim upto one fist, such as Imaam al-Ghazzaali (RA) – see Ihyaa

The Maaliki Madhab

Imaam Abul-Waleed al-Baaji al-Maaliki (RA) has stated that: It has been narrated from Imaam Maalik that he permitted the slight trimming of those hairs that are overgrown and are outside the general growth of the rest of the hair, and that Imaam Maalik was asked about a beard that had grown extremely long, he replied that it should be trimmed a bit.’

Imaam Abul-Waalid further explains upto what extent could it be trimmed by saying, ‘And it has been narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar and Abu Hurayra (Radhiallaahu Anhum) that they trimmed upto one fist.’ Hence, this is what was meant by Imaam Maalik. (refer al-Muntaqa vol.7 pg.266)

Imaam al-Qurtubi al-Maaliki (RA) has also mentioned something similar to this in his commentary of Sahih Muslim. (see al-Mufhim vol.1 pg.513)

The Hanbali Madhab

Imaam Saamiri (RA) – who is an expert Hanbali Faqeeh (jurists) - states: And he should not trim any bit from the beard except if he wishes to do so upto the extent of one fist. However, it will be best if he doesn’t do so.’ (al-Mustaw’ib vol.1 pg.260 – see Hukm al-Lihya fil Madhaahibil arba’ah; Abdul-Aziz al-Nu’maani pg.50)

Another Hanbali scholars, Imaam Shamsuddeen al-Maqdisi states, ‘It is forbidden to shave the beard and it is not Makrooh to trim what is in excess of a fist’s length… because this is supported by the practice of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar (Radhiallaahu Anhu).’ (Kitaabul Furoo vol.1 pg.130; Ibid)

imilar verdicts are found in other sources of Hanbali Fiqh such as al-Mubdi of ibn Muflih, al-Insaaf of al-Maawardi; Kashful Qinaa, etc. (Ibid)

All these quotations have mentioned that it is only permissible to trim the beard if it is done upto a fist’s length. In fact, according to some of these quotations, it will be better not to trim it at all.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
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