Sheikh Nazim Haqqani Warning!
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04-13-2011, 03:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Here is an excerpt from an interview with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim that took place in the nineties:
INTERVIEWER: If you were to tell your followers not to address you as the perfect one, not to kiss your hands and feet – and they say that in meetings even women come and kiss your hands, and the Prophet would never allow that… I want your comments on that?
SHAYKH NAZIM: No. They are always untrue people. They are always changing things from their real light. They are liars. They make iftira‘ [fabrications] and backbiting, because they are hasud – jealous, envious people. I never say to my followers that I am ‘a perfect one.’
But until they find a perfect one, I am only training them. I never said that I am a 100% perfect trainer but I am a good opportunity; while I am here, I only try to do my best with people. Like a doctor who is not a specialist, but still he must treat his patients. Should he say: I cannot touch you because I am not a specialist? I never said to anyone: ‘I am a 100% perfect person and I am training you: Come and kiss my hands!’ I am not so foolish as these people. They are thinking that I say to people come and kiss my hand!
INTERVIEWER: They say that it is a necessary part of your training…
SHAYKH NAZIM: No, never. My training is written in my books and the associations I hold, but they are not reading my books because shaytans are so proud. Can they find it anywhere that I say: Kiss my hand, kiss my feet? But I may enter through a crowd and without doing anything, people are completely unable to remain seated, they will stand up. I am not saying to them to do it. It is something granted to me, from the greatness of Allah, called haybat [dignity]. They can’t stop. When I pass, they stand up and rush to me. I am not telling them to. Once I was in Madina praying, facing Qibla. As I was finishing, one of these people said to me: ‘O shaykh! Why did you bring all these people behind you!’ I
was surprised. My eyes were closed and I was making du`a without sound, only what I may hear. But I looked around and I saw 100 people behind me. I said I am nobody, I am an ordinary person, a visitor here. I do not know them. Why are you telling me this? Tell those people to go away! Prophets have a magnetic power called jazba [attraction]. That
makes people run to that person. I have some of that which I received through our spiritual way. I am not an empty one, like those people. But they are hussad [enviers]… What happens if my followers kiss my hand? The Prophet – blessings upon him – kissed the Stone, and all Sahaba kissed the Stone. All the Hujjaj [pilgrims] kiss the Stone, and the Ka`ba. It is not haram to kiss the Ka`ba. Is the Ka`ba more honored than Man? No.
INTERVIEWER: But the Ka`ba has a special place in their hearts.
SHAYKH NAZIM: We have a special place also.
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