If u were me what would you do?
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04-13-2011, 04:01 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
it is possible to do everything on your list, Allah does really put barakah in time if you have the correct intentions
Regarding job, your first priority should be a job which is 100% halal where you don't have to doubt your earnings, even if all the halal jobs are poorly paid. Secondly try to find somewhere that does not require you to compromise on your deen as in you can still make your prayers on time, you are not compelled to go to haraam office party's etc. These things are more important than pay.
If i was a man i don't think i could give up my Islamic studies and be at depends on the individual...would giving it up make you miserable or would your eemaan suffer as a result?
I don't think it will be extremely difficult to find a sister who is content with a not so high earning husband, when it comes to practicing sisters i think most of the financial demands are made by their guardians rather than what they themselves would like....wallahu alam
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