brother for the point. Well, I didn't clarify it in my previous reply that giving up the ishara is after first salam or second salam. I just said "Keep your index finger that lowered stretched while salam also", and avoided the Ikhtilafi point. Well, it is the opinion of the major Hanafis that the salat ends after the first salam. But there r some opinions too that the salat ends after the second salam. So, when many Hanafi fiqh text said to "keep it until the end of the Salat", as u said, and there are differences of opinions in regard of the end of the Salah, and the caution (Ihtiyat) is on taking the opinion of the second salam, thus I said like that in my previous reply. Badaye Sanaye talks on this issue: ( وأما ) حكمه فهو الخروج من الصلاة ، ثم الخروج يتعلق بإحدى التسليمتين عند عامة العلماء . وروي عن محمد أنه قال : التسليمة الأولى للخروج والتحية ، والتسليمة الثانية للتحية خاصة ، وقال بعضهم : لا يخرج ما لم يوجد التسليمتين جميعا وهو خلاف إجماع السلف ، ولأن التسليم تكليم القوم ؛ لأنه خطاب لهم فكان منافيا للصلاة ألا ترى أنه لو وجد في وسط الصلاة يخرجه عن الصلاة And its (salam's) ruling is, exiting the salah. Then, this exiting is related to one salam according to the majority of Ulama. And it is reported that Muhammad said: The first salam is for exiting and greeting. And the second salam is certain to greeting. Some says: No exit till the second salam. And this is opposite to the consensus of the salaf. Because the salam is to talk to the nation. And because it is a speech to them. So, it will contradict the salah. Don't u see, that if this salam was found in the middle of salah, it would have discharged him from salah? I hope that more knowledgeable brothers will talk on this and point out my wrongs. We r still students of knowledge and wrongs r well possible from us. Brother, the duties in salat finish after tashahhud, right, but the salat ends by an intentional act of Musalli. And the word 'salam' is wajib in case of that act. So, without that act/salam, the salat doesn't end. This is what I know.. And yeah, tashahhud is wajib and the others r sunnah.