The Pathan and Syed issue
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04-05-2011, 06:49 AM
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Nov 2005
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Point one to have well clear in mind is that there are no "pure races": intermixing has almost always been the norm and today's "nations" are more the result of massive intermixing of different populations rather than the descendents of a "pure" one.
Said this, you can find Sayyids all over the Muslim world (and with the most different physical-somatic tracts) and I don't see anything strange in it: the progeny of Sayyidina Muhammad
was held in highest esteem by our Ummah and they had the opportunity, by the grace of Allah, and generations by generations, to have many sons, spreading the descent far and wide from West Africa to Indonesia, from Turkey to China, due to the migrations of Muslims (for trade, sake of knowledge, conquests) across all the Ummah.
In this way, sooner or later pure Arab-Qurayshi Sayyids mixed with other people, marrying their women, and with the time (and keeping marrying the women of the place) they have lost their distinctive physical characteristics for those of the people among whom their progenitors integrated themselves.
And now you will find black-African / Malesian / Afghan / Uzbek looking Sayyids...
Only the
Arab suprematism
of certain Sub-Continental Ahl-e-Hadith affected by inferiority complex will find problem with such simple logic and pretend every Sayyid in the world to be a "pure Arab", denouncing as "fake" any other "non-Arab looking" claimant to the "tytle".
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