question on undrstanding of Scale of deeds?
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04-05-2011, 02:02 PM
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question on undrstanding of Scale of deeds?
Asalaamu Alaikum,
I was asked by a nonmuslim about the scale of good deeds and how some ahadith tell us that some acts of worship are worth X times more if done in a particular way (the value of Salah for example is said to be multiplied if done in the mosque).
I understand as the scholars say that we are to believe in the reality of the scale, and that every act will be weighed at its true value. Allah says in the qur'an: he whose scales weigh heavier shall have a blissful life, but he whose scale weighs lighter, his shall be the deep pit for a dwelling" (101:6-9). Does this mean that one whose scale is "heavy" in good deeds achieves success, but if his scale is light in good deeds (heavy in bad) then hell is what he receives (naudhubillah)? that is, is this simply painting the picture of the scale of the person with significantly more good/bad deeds than the other kind (hence, "heavy" or "light", not just "more" or "less"), or does this refer to one side being at all heavier than the other? Basically, regarding one's fate in the akhirah, could you please point me toward what the scholars have said about what exactly it is we have to believe the scales indicate? Just to give the right context, I believe the questioner can accept the concept that one who has significantly more bad deeds than good goes to hell, but is troubled by the idea of one going to heaven or hell by for example having one more good/bad deed than the other, but I don't know how "heavy" or "light" is exactly to be understood and hope to get back to him. JazakumAllah khair for your time!
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