Permissibility of Celebrating Mawlid
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04-04-2011, 10:13 AM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
I ve a small request to everyone, please dont turn this thread to one of those useless debate threads. You know the ones with enormous copy paste, takafir etc etc. I Don't know about Mawlid celebration or if Allah created water first, But one thing is for sure beyond doubt. Allah loves Prophet Muhammed(saw) the most of all his creation and for us to be a true Muslim, we have to love Allah the most and then our beloved Prophet (saw) before anybody else.
Surat At-Taubah: 24
say: “If your fathers, and your children, and your brothers and sisters, and
your spouses, and your kindred and clan, and the wealth you have acquired, and
the commerce you fear may slacken, and the dwellings that you love to live in,
are dearer to you than
Allah and His Messenger and striving in His cause, then
wait until Allah brings about His decree.
Allah does not guide the transgressing
(who prefer worldly things to Him, His Messenger and striving in His
cause, to truth and true happiness in both the world and the Hereafter).
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