Question 1: Even khulafa of our Akaabireen are veering off into bid’ah. If there is a Tariqah which does not conflict with the Shariah, and its objective is purely Islaah-e-Nafs, then in our view it is Waajib to join such a Tariqah. [B]If there are still such Tariqahs, we are unaware of them. There may be. Allah Ta’ala knows best. Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyyah grabbed hold of Hadhrat Masihullah, and broke down crying, and saying: ‘Take care of the khaanqas. All the khanqas are now desolate (weeraan). Brother, all the khaanqas which exist nowadays are not even shadows of khaanqas. Their emphasis is on halqah thikr, singing nazams, and eating sumptuous foods. Wallaah! Many of the khulafa have no understanding of the meaning of ‘Islaah’, hence they stay in business with halqah thikr. If you know of a valid Khaanqah which emphasizes on Islaah-e-Nafs and which is free of bid’ah and nonsense, consider it a wonderful Ni’mat, and cling to it. May Allah Ta’ala keep you with aafiyat. Was-salaam A.S. Desai [/COLOR]