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Old 04-04-2011, 10:51 PM   #19

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Thus there was no loud Dhikr and there was no rhythm in Durood Shareef etc. Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) explained and emphasised the importance of Sunnah and then detailed six (6) matters which everybody should adhere to:

  1. Daily Recitation of the Qur’aan: Starting from ½ juz daily.
  2. Daily Astaghfaar
  3. Daily Durood
  4. Wuqoof-e-Qalbi: Which Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) explained to mean that whenever possible simply turn attention towards Allah (SWT)
  5. Muraqaba of Allah (SWT)’s name:
  6. Contact with the Shaykh

I asked Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) in private if anyone can practise this and he said, “There are no secrets in our Tareeqa and anyone can practise this but the main point of Tassawuff is Islah and not Dhik’r”.

The bold part of the comments above should not be misunderstood and abused as a pretext to belittle the importance of spiritual bond ( Nisbat ) with a genuine sufi shaykh.

The prescribed exercise mentioned above is given at the beginning stage to a mureed. But , at higher stages there are many special types of zikr and muraqaba ( meditation ) done in special ways within the boundary of shariah.

Those spiritual exercises of higher stages in Tariqah must be done under the permission of a genuine sufi shaykh. Otherwise, that guy may become brain-damaged !!!

Regarding the spiritual bond , the following extract is quite important.

Source : p. 119-120

Imdaadus Suluk ,by Hadhrat Rashid Ahmad Gangohi ( RA ) in Farsi trans.

Irshadul Mulook , by Hadhrat Aashiq Ilaahi Merathi ( RA ) in Urdu trans.

Risalah Makkiyyah , by Shaykh Qutbuddin Damashqi ( RA ) in Arabic ,orignal

" Know that there is a difference between Taqleedi Thikr and Tahqeeqi Thikr. The Thikr which the laeity acquired from their fathers and seniors is known as Taqleedi Thikr (Thikr by following others). Although this Thikr does ward off shaitan and certainly strengthens and protects Iman, it is not as efficacious as thikr Haqeeqi, in that it cannot enable the Thakir to attain the lofty ranks of Wilayat and qurb (Divine proximity)

The Thikr which is acquired from a Sahib-e-Talqeen and Tasarruf (i.e a qualified Shaikh of Tareeqat) whose Silsilah of Thikr is an unbroken chain linking up with Rasulullah(PBUH), is known as Tahqeeqi Thikr. It is this high grade of Thikr which acts in the batin (heart,soul,etc.) of the mureed.

When this Thikr takes root in the heart of a sincere mureed by way of talqeen(instruction of the shaikh), it flourishes with obedience to the Sunnah and Amal-e-Salihah. In consequence the rays of the illumination of Wilayat strike the mureed. At that stage, by the command of Allah the fruits of mukashafat and mushahadat are continuously acquired by the mureed. By virtue of Ikhlas and honesty of intension, he will insha Allah, reap the gain of Marifat and Muhabbat. Talqeen plays a vital role in the deliverance of the Mureed to the goals of Marifat and Muhabbat. It is on this account that the Hadith likens the Mumin to a date tree. A date tree will not bear fruit if it has not been paired.

Similarly, as long a the mureed does not acquire Talqeen from a Shaikh-e-Kamil, his tree of Marifat will not bear fruit.

Abdullah Bin Umar (radiallahuanhu) narrates that Rasulullah(PBUH) said:

'There is a tree which does not shed its leaves and its similitude is like that of a Mu'min. Which tree is it?'

The sahabah began thinking about the trees in the desert.Abdullah bin Umar(radiallahuanhu) said:

'It occured to me that it is the date tree. However on account of the presence of seniors, I could not voice myself. Finally the sahabah said:

' O Rasulullah! Which tree is it?'

Rasulullah(PBUH) said:

'The date tree. Until it is not paired it will not bear.'

" Mukashafat and Mushahadat " mentioned above are relaetd extraordinary perception of the purified heard which can see the divine light through the inward eye.
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