[B] Thus there was no loud Dhikr and there was no rhythm in Durood Shareef etc. Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) explained and emphasised the importance of Sunnah and then detailed six (6) matters which everybody should adhere to: Daily Recitation of the Qur’aan: Starting from ½ juz daily. Daily Astaghfaar Daily Durood Wuqoof-e-Qalbi: Which Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) explained to mean that whenever possible simply turn attention towards Allah (SWT) Muraqaba of Allah (SWT)’s name: Contact with the Shaykh I asked Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) in private if anyone can practise this and he said, “There are no secrets in our Tareeqa and anyone can practise this but the main point of Tassawuff is Islah and not Dhik’r”.