Asalam Alykum WrWb, I just cant explain how happy I am !!!! FINALLY somebody connected Tasawuff to neural programming. I had sooooooooooooooooooooo much fun reading brother Colonels post that I almost forgot what existed around me. JazakAllah khair brother, truely inspiring posts. To most people when I explain these concepts, they out right reject it and say "Do not focus too much on sciences"... Neuroscience is something ! you really have to know how the brain works to better understand your life. Brother this is a request from my heart: If you could publish this work, itl be one of the best sellers. JazakAllah khair again.. Keep the posts coming please.
As has been said before, Mufti sahib should be valued and respected,regardless of wether we agree with him or not. I agree his tone is not to everyones taste, but sometimes thats for the good. Prophets had different temperaments, so did the companions and so do our scholars,both past and present.