Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum and Ramadhaan Mubaarak. Ramadhaan Mubaarak to all my brothers & sisters on SF. My dear Brother Stefane, The body becomes dust. That's for sure. But, lest there is some misunderstanding, please do remember that Allah(SWT) may raise the body again. Hope, Insh'Allah, that you agree with this. As regards the soul, don't you think that your statement is contrary to quite a few hadiths that directly or indirectly refer to the soul? I am sure that we would like to hear a little more from you regarding the journey of the soul - no doubt, not contrary to the hadiths mentioned above. Notwithstanding above, if you go through my post at #5 above and take the time necessary to seek plausible replies to the various questions asked, Insh'Allah, my dear brother, you will certainly find some light to your question: "If Allah(SWT) Keeps the souls with Him, how can the dead hear?" May Allah(SWT) accept all your ibaadah and du'a during this holy month of Ramadhaan. Insh'Allah. Brotherly yours farook