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Old 08-22-2010, 03:13 AM   #11

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Nov 2005
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Assalam aleykoum brother,

RAMADAN moubarak you and all your family.

If we can speak when we will be dead and if we can hear, we can see we are alive , no ?

If we are alive, Allah SWT does not need to rise us from the dead.

Allah SWT rise from dead a dead people or alive ? because we can talk and hear ?????

Assalam aleykoum brother, I ask Allah SWT to guide us and to forgive us, amin.

I will try to prepare a reply with verses of the Quran inshallah and give you proof thet the grave punishment also is an invention after the death of our prophete Mohamed SWS.
you need to be guided staphane. the punishment of the grave is proven from hadithes
Inenuedbabnor is offline


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