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Old 10-17-2010, 02:38 AM   #33

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Assalam aleykoum brother Abu Zakariya Yahya

Surah 77

49. Ah woe, that Day, to the Rejecters of Truth!

50. Then what ( HADEETEN IN ARBIC ), after that, will they believe in ?

Then Allah SWT does not accept any other hadeeth after the Quran, read it in arabic the verse 50 surah 77
the word Hadith does not mean the Prophetic hadiths and the advice of the Prophet PBUH and his instructions on how to pray and how to make ablution, it means what other Talk will they believe if they didn't believe the words of Allah.

No Arab understands the word hadith as in the narrations of the prophet PBUH... I think some non-arab tricked you stephane... easily.
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