أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم First I would like to know if munaajat-e-maqbool available is in tamil. As I was not aware of it, I started translating it eventhough my tamil is not that good as my mother tongue is urdu and i had hindi as my second language in my school days. Khair as I know to read and write tamil, I just tried translating and I would really appreciate, if some one could correct my translation and inshaaAllah you will be rewarded. Anyway if the book is already available in tamil, I might drop my work. So far I translated the book for four days of manzil and I have to do the rest inshaaAllah. Also how do you translate the word 'pleasure' in the sentence, 'I seek Your help by Your pleasure' in tamil. wassalam