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Old 11-14-2010, 03:17 PM   #5

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taken from this thread:

Abd Allah al-Hashidi the "Salafi" editor of al-Bayhaqi's al-Asma' wal-Sifat (2:60) openly attributes form and shape to Allah Most High:

"As for our Lord, we affirm that He possesses a form (sura)" and (2:67)
"As for us we affirm a form (sura) for Allah unlike forms."
Similarly, the Egyptian 'Salafi' scholar Mohammed Khalil Harras......

هو العلاَّمة، السلفيُّ، المحقِّق، محمد خليل هرَّاس
كان رحمه الله سلفي المعتقد، شديدًا في الحقّ، قويّ الحجّة والبيان، أفنى حياته في التعليم والتأليف ونشر السنة وعقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة

....who salafis describe as:

"He was Salafi in creed, stern in establishing the truth, persuasive in establishing his proof, he spent his life teaching, authoring, and spreading the creed of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'a"

says on p. 39 of his commentary on "At-Tawhid" by Ibn Khuzayma:
فالصورة لا تضاف إلى الله كإضافة خلقه إليه لأنها وصف قائم به

"So 'Image' is not attributed to Allah the way his creation is attributed to Him, because it (His image), is an attribute which subsists in His essence"
and on pg. 156:
ثم تبدى الله لنا بصورة غير صورته التي رأيناه فيها أول مرة ، وقد عاد لنا في صورته التي رأيناه فيها أول مرة فيقول أنا ربكم

"Then he appeared to us with an image which is different then what we have previously seen, and He returned to us in the image we first saw him in and says: 'I am your Lord' "
Meanwhile scholars of Ahl al-Sunna like Ibn `Abd al-Salam in his Mulha state:

"He is not a body endowed with form."

Similarly Ibn al-Jawzi in Daf` Shubahi al-Tashbih (al-Kawthari ed. 1998 repr. p. 35) states:

"Know that it is obligatory upon every Muslim to firmly hold that it is impermissible to attribute to Allah Most High form (sura), which consists in physiognomy (hay'a) and features (ta'lif)."

Imam al Khattabi said:

What is upon us and all Muslims to believe is that our Lord does not possess a sura (image) or hay'a (form), for an image implies a modality (kayfiya) and that is negated from both Allah and His attributes.

قال الإمام أبو سليمان الخطابي (ت 388 هـ) فيما رواه عنه الحافظ البيهقي في [الأسماء والصفات] ما نصه:

"إن الذي يجب علينا وعلى كل مسلم أن يعلمه أن ربنا ليس بذي صورة ولا هيئة، فإن الصورة تقتضي الكيفية وهي عن الله وعن صفاته منفية" اهـ

Al-Subkī said: Al-Ash'arī and most of the Scholars of kalām have declared as disbelievers any innovator whose innovation constitutes or leads to disbelief. For example, if he claims that the object of his worship possess an image (sūra), or a limit (hadd) and boundary (nihāya), or that it is permissible to attribute to him movement and stillness. [Cited in al-Kawtharī, Maqālāt (p. 374)]

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[translations and quotes courtesy of sidi Hatim and sh. Gibril]
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