Wa Alaykum Assalam, Ask as many as you want, I have no complaints. Submission site's believe in a fake messenger called rashad khalifa. This is disbelief in Islam as the Qur'aan and Hadeeth clearly mention there will be no Prophets or Messengers after Muhammad [pbuh]. Moreover they pick and choose which Hadeeth to follow or believe in. There can be good Shia people and bad but their beliefs are really gross and misinterpret Islam a lot. There are some shias who are very extreme whilst some who are not that extreme but nonetheless their belief is deviant. I have a long 1 hour or so video for you to see both of these people's beliefs and stuff..if you want to see. I would like to make a point here, not all shias are considered as non-Muslim because it varies from person to person. Cannot put a label of 'Non-Muslim' on a whole group.