That isn't the typical way people live their lives though. I too am an advocate of early marriage but only if your situation allows for it. Imagine the following scenario which I think is quite common in the UK: You have a large family (parents and say 4-5 children) all living in a terraced or semi-detached house. The girls can get married, leave their parental home and live with her husband or in-laws (if its possible) but the boys in the family cannot afford to get married as they aren't earning enough to even pay rent, tax and bills let alone other necessities of life. You could say why not just continue living with your parents to share the costs? Good idea only that the boy has two other brothers so there is the hijab issue with his wife and them, not to mention over cramping which by necessity has an impact on their marital relations and intimacy. So whereas early marriage is a good idea and I agree with it and recommend it to those who can, not many are in a position to make this happen.