Fake Tawadhu, Overdose of Tawadhu.....
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03-23-2011, 01:24 AM
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Oct 2005
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Fake Tawadhu, Overdose of Tawadhu.....
Assalam Alaikum,
There is an arabic saying:
كل شي اذا خرج عن حده رجع الي ضده...
Anything when it crosses its limits returns to its opposite..
People are overdoing tawadhu and it has become a trend to just keep on saying with your tongues Oh man i'm nothing, im a sinner.. And when you tell them yes you are the worst person on earth and you are a sinner then u see their faces change color.
These kind of people they want to be praised through tawadhu. People start praising them oh man how much tawadhu you have.
My partial sheikh, he's so overdoing tawadhu that he tells me oh im the worst person on earth and you are better than me.. I told him ok i'm better than you and you are the worst person so you benefit from me :P
Then you get those new khulafas who get khilafat from someone and they're dying to tell everyone we have khilafat but they pretend as if they are full of tawadhu so they say oh it's hazrat's good opinion of me i'm not worth it. If you are not worth it then why mention it in the first place? Why mention it in forums in the first place?
Then there are those who if u call Hazrat or Sheikh they will waste 10-15 mins just telling you that don't call me sheikh, don't call me hazrat. I don't like it. If you don't like it then why do u interact with people? Just go and sit in your own corner and do Allah Allah...
The summary is, why can't people be normal like Sahaba? Why cant they just be normal. If someone calls you sheikh ok let them.. Why go to extents to deny it and then get praised and then feel happy for their praise...???
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